House Clearance

Warehouse Clearance

Deep Cleaning

Office Restructuring

As a clearance specialist we have undertaken all manner of clearances since being established in 2009, from small flats to large warehouses where a complete service has been required.

Every clearance is different and the contents vary from property to property, should there be any items suitable for resale we are always happy to offset them against any charges.

Within properties there can be items that although functional have limited resale value. We work with adult services so all items are donated to worthy causes.

We also work in conjunction with home owners and adult services to assist people who are clearing rooms so they can live down stairs, or downsizing moving on to their smaller homes.


We provide an end to end service, which will include packing, removal, clearing, and cleaning your warehouse. Discount may available for stock acquisition. Price on application.

Contact us for a free site survey.

Deep Cleaning

We are deep steam cleaning specialist to ensure your environment is fully sanitized.
Our team are fully adapted to deep clean in a number of different scenarios, including those where the wearing of hazmat suits may be required. Contact us for a free site survey.

Office Restructuring

Office moves and relocation, a full end to end service is available. We have full removal and in transit insurance. Contact us for a free site survey.